Document BriefState agencies (the state educational agency, SEA under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [IDEA] Part B Section 611 and Section 619, and the lead agency, LA under IDEA Part C) must have a general supervision system in place to (1) improve educational results and functional outcomes for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families and children with disabilities and (2) ensure that local education agencies (LEAs) and early intervening services (EIS) programs and providers meet the requirements under the IDEA. State general supervision systems must be reasonably designed to meet these goals. A key responsibility of state general supervision systems is the identification, correction, and reporting of noncompliance. This guide focuses on the steps involved in these processes and is based on the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) QA 23-01: State General Supervision Responsibilities Under Parts B and C of the IDEA.